
EELS , 一支非主流乐队 ……


EELS , 一支非主流乐队 ……

Beautiful Freak》封面

EELS 官方WebSite: http://www.eelstheband.com/

EELS 是一支美国非主流乐队,Mark Everett 是乐队的核心和主唱。

MARK EVERETT作为乐队主场的核心,很大程度上决定了他们的行走路线。Mark Everett的父亲Hugh Everett是世界著名的科学家,提出了平行空间的多世界理论(many worlds theory),但Mark Everett可能没有遗传到这些,他的成绩很糟糕。 Everett的少年时期充满了不辛,父亲患心脏病,母亲患癌症,姐姐自杀,使得他经常处于压抑消沉的心境。

就这样Mark Everett和大多数的青年一样,痛苦而恣肆的成长,把自己放纵在狂欢与毒品之中。在1996年的专辑《Beautiful Freak》和1998年的专辑《Electro-Shock Blues》里,他的这种心境袒露无疑。他深陷苦恼,把这苦恼的矛头对准世界也对着自己,乐曲显得寒冷而诡异。




他们坚持着独立的音乐立场,不管多大的公司找他写歌或者代言推销产品,都统统不甩。但出于对一些人的艺术理想的认同,他们也创作电影音乐,比如美国美人怪兽史莱克等。他们还获得过几个大奖,比如 99mtv最佳录影带大奖。但是他认为奖项对他并没有什么意义,如果说用处,就是奖品作了鼓架的支撑物。


EELS Collection.torrent包含曲目
/Beautiful Freak/Beautiful Freak.mp3 4.1 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Flower (bbc Radio).mp3 3.8 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Flower.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Guest List.mp3 3.7 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Manchester Girl ( Bbc Radio).mp3 3.8 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Manchild.mp3 4.7 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/My Beloved Monster Party (bbc Radio).mp3 2.9 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/My Beloved Monster.mp3 2.5 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Not Ready Yet.mp3 5.5 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Novocaine For The Soul.mp3 3.6 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Novoccaine For The Soul _li.mp3 3.8 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Rags To Rags.mp3 4.4 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Spunky.mp3 3.7 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Susan's House.mp3 4.3 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/Your Lucky Day In Hell.mp3 5.1 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/04 I Like Birds.mp3 3.6 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/06 Flyswatter.mp3 4.6 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/A Daisie Through Concrete.mp3 2.8 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Daisies Of The Galaxy.mp3 4.0 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Estate Sale.mp3 1.8 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Grace Kelly Blues.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Its A Motherfucker.mp3 2.6 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Jeannie's Diary.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Mr. E's Beautiful Blues.mp3 4.6 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Packing Blankets.mp3 2.4 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Selective Memory.mp3 3.1 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Something Is Sacred.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/The Sound Of Fear.mp3 4.1 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Tiger In My Tank.mp3 3.6 Mb
/Daisies of the galaxy/Wooden Nickels.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/01 Elizabeth On The Bathroo.mp3 2.9 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/02 Going To Your Funeral [part 1].mp3 3.6 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/03 Cancer For The Cure.mp3 6.6 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/04 My Descent Into Madness.mp3 5.4 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/05 3 Speed.mp3 3.8 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/06 Hospital Food.mp3 4.7 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/07 Electro-shock Blues.mp3 3.4 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/08 Efil's God.mp3 4.6 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/09 Going To Your Funeral [part II].mp3 2.1 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/10 Last Stop This Town.mp3 4.7 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/11 Baby Genius.mp3 2.8 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/12 Climbing To The Moon.mp3 5.0 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/13 Ant Farm.mp3 3.0 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/14 Dead Of Winter.mp3 4.1 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/15 The Medication Is Wearing Off.mp3 5.3 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/16 P.s. You Rock My World.mp3 4.3 Mb
/Shootenanny/01 All In A Day_s Work.mp3 7.8 Mb
/Shootenanny/02 Saturday Morning.mp3 6.7 Mb
/Shootenanny/03 The Good Old Days.mp3 7.0 Mb
/Shootenanny/04 Love Of The Loveless.mp3 8.1 Mb
/Shootenanny/05 Dirty Gril.mp3 6.2 Mb
/Shootenanny/06 Agony.mp3 7.2 Mb
/Shootenanny/07 Rock Hard Times.mp3 9.2 Mb
/Shootenanny/08 Restraining Order Blues.mp3 7.3 Mb
/Shootenanny/09 Lone Wolf.mp3 6.4 Mb
/Shootenanny/10 Wrong About Bobby.mp3 6.4 Mb
/Shootenanny/11 Numbered Days.mp3 8.6 Mb
/Shootenanny/12 Fashion Awards.mp3 7.1 Mb
/Shootenanny/13 Somebody Loves You.mp3 6.9 Mb
/Souljacker/Bus Stop Boxer.mp3 4.3 Mb
/Souljacker/Dog Faced Boy.mp3 3.8 Mb
/Souljacker/Fresh Feeling.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Souljacker/Friendly Ghost.mp3 3.9 Mb
/Souljacker/Jungle Teleghraph.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Souljacker/Mental.mp3 4.6 Mb
/Souljacker/Souljacker Part I.mp3 3.7 Mb
/Souljacker/Souljacker Part II.mp3 2.3 Mb
/Souljacker/Teenage Witch.mp3 5.4 Mb
/Souljacker/That's Not Really Funny.mp3 3.8 Mb
/Souljacker/What Is This Note.mp3 2.8 Mb
/Souljacker/Woman Driving, Man Sleeping.mp3 4.0 Mb
/Souljacker/World Of Shit.mp3 4.0 Mb

Music_Eels.torrent 包含曲目
/Beautiful Freak/01 Novocaine for the soul.mp3 2.9 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/02 susan'.mp3 3.4 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/03 Rags to rags.mp3 3.6 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/04 beautiful freak.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/05 Not ready yet.mp3 4.4 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/07 flower.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Beautiful Freak/08 Guest list.mp3 3.0 Mb
/Black Session/02 Grace Kelly Blues.mp3 5.4 Mb
/Black Session/03 My Beloved Monster.mp3 4.0 Mb
/Black Session/04 It's A Motherfucker.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Black Session/05 Jeannie's Diary.mp3 5.2 Mb
/Black Session/06 I Like Birds.mp3 3.9 Mb
/Black Session/07 Can't Help Falling In Love.mp3 3.5 Mb
/Black Session/08 Flyswatter.mp3 6.9 Mb
/Black Session/09 Mr. E's Beautiful Blues.mp3 5.2 Mb
/Black Session/10 Susan's House.mp3 6.4 Mb
/Black Session/11 Novocaine For The Soul.mp3 4.7 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-01 Theme From Blinking Lights.mp3 1.0 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-02 From Which I Came_A Magic World.mp3 1.9 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-03 Son Of A Bitch.mp3 1.4 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-04 Blinking Lights (For Me).mp3 1.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-05 Trouble With Dreams.mp3 2.6 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-06 Marie Floating Over The Backyar.mp3 1.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-07 Suicide Life.mp3 1.5 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-08 In The Yard, Behind The Church.mp3 2.4 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-09 Railroad Man.mp3 2.5 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-10 The Other Shoe.mp3 1.5 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-11 Last Time We Spoke.mp3 1.4 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-12 Mother Mary.mp3 1.9 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-13 Going Fetal.mp3 1.4 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-14 Understanding Salesmen.mp3 1.6 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-15 Theme For A Pretty Girl That Ma.mp3 1.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-16 Checkout Blues.mp3 1.4 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/1-17 Blinking Lights (For You).mp3 1.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/01 Dust Of Ages.mp3 2.7 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/02 Old Shit_New Shit.mp3 3.8 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/03 Bride of Theme from Blinking Ligh.mp3 2.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/04 Hey Man (Now, You're Really L.mp3 4.9 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/05 I'm Going To Stop Pretending That.mp3 4.5 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/06 To Lick Your Boots.mp3 4.0 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/07 If You See Natalie.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/08 Sweet Li'l Thing.mp3 4.0 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/09 Dusk- A Peach in the Orchard.mp3 1.7 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/10 Whatever Happened to Soy Bomb.mp3 3.5 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/11 Ugly Love.mp3 3.4 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/12 God's Silence.mp3 1.5 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/13 Losing Streak.mp3 4.2 Mb
/Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [D/14 Last Days Of My Bitter Heart.mp3 1.5 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/01 Fucker (Live).mp3 3.2 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/02 My Beloved Monster (Live).mp3 3.6 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/03 Stepmother.mp3 4.0 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/04 Animal.mp3 3.7 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/05 Susan's Apartment (Mike Simpson R.mp3 4.9 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/06 Altar Boy.mp3 3.1 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/07 Bad News (The End Of Violence_Sou.mp3 4.1 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/08 Dog's Life.mp3 5.6 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/09 Novocaine for the Soul by Moog Co.mp3 4.4 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/10 Funeral Parlor.mp3 3.1 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/12 Birdgirl On a Cell Phone.mp3 4.4 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/13 Flyswatter (The Polka Dots remix).mp3 3.5 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/14 Vice President Fruitley.mp3 3.2 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/15 Jennifer Eccles.mp3 4.6 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/18 Her.mp3 4.0 Mb
/B-Sides and Rarities/19 Waltz of the Naked Clowns.mp3 3.9 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/01 Grace Kelly Blues.mp3 3.4 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/02 Packing Blankets.mp3 2.0 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/03 The Sound of Fear.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/04 I Like Birds.mp3 2.4 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/05 Daisies of the Galaxy.mp3 3.2 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/06 Flyswatter.mp3 3.1 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/07 It's a Monstertrucker.mp3 2.1 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/08 Estate Sale.mp3 1.5 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/09 Tiger in My Tank.mp3 2.9 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/10 A Daisy Through Concrete.mp3 2.3 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/11 Jeannie's Diary.mp3 3.4 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/12 Wooden Nickels.mp3 2.7 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/13 Something Is Sacred.mp3 2.7 Mb
/Daisies of the Galaxy/15 Mr. E's Beautiful Blues.mp3 3.7 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/01 Elizabeth On The Bathroom Floor.m4a 2.0 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/02 Going To Your Funeral [Part 1].m4a 2.5 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/03 Cancer For The Cure.m4a 4.4 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/04 My Descent Into Madness.m4a 3.6 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/05 3 Speed.m4a 2.6 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/06 Hospital Food.m4a 3.2 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/08 Efil's God.m4a 3.1 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/09 Going To Your Funeral [Part II].m4a 1.4 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/10 Last Stop_ This Town.m4a 3.2 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/11 Baby Genius.m4a 1.9 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/12 Climbing To The Moon.m4a 3.4 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/13 Ant Farm.m4a 2.1 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/14 Dead Of Winter.m4a 2.8 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/15 The Medication Is Wearing Off.m4a 3.6 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/16 P.S. You Rock My World.m4a 2.9 Mb
/Electro-Shock Blues/07 Electro-Shock Blues.m4a 2.3 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/01 Blinking Lights (For Me).mp3 2.3 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/02 Bride Of Theme From Blinking ligh.mp3 1.8 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/03 Bus Stop Boxer.mp3 3.9 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/04 Dirty Girl.mp3 3.3 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/05 Trouble With Dreams.mp3 3.8 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/06 The Only Thing I Care Ab.mp3 2.6 Mb
/Live At Town Hall (With Strings)/07 My Beloved Monster.mp3 2.2 Mb

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